A site for Ex-Peterborough employees
The Triplex components machining factory at the
Walton site in Peterborough, closed down in 2006.
The factory was the central hub of life for a great number of people for many
years from 1911 to 2006 and was occupied by several business owners during
that time. This website is in remembrance of that factory as a part of
Peterborough history and for the many employees who once worked there.
A great many people worked at the site over the years, unfortunately there
are relatively few images on this site, and those that are available are recent.
The site was closed, after the work was relocated to the other 3 factories in
the group in 2006.
Alas, some of the people in the images are no longer with us, and many
more have retired, with the remainder having moved on to other work.
Hopefully, the level of engineering work will increase in the UK, and once
more become a large part of working life in the future.
Goods in
Main Entrance
Tool Store
If you have any articles,corrections, photographs, suggestions or other information that would enhance this site please get in touch via
the contact page. The time line of the factory is shown below, and there is also a reference section later that illustrates the history of the site.