Triplex Reunions

The venue for the reunion is The Woodman pub in Peterborough. (see Link & Map Below). The Woodman Public House
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Ex-Triplex A site for Ex-Peterborough employees
Pat Bergin & Basil Cavender
The Woodman (Location)
Reunions The final reunion was held on September 10 2021. No further reunions are planned.

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The reunions are informal meetings for all ex factory employees. There are no reservations required, just turn up on the night and you will be welcome. There is no room booked, the public area is used for the event.
The reunions have been held since 2007. The date of the next reunion will be posted on this page after each event, please let me know if you have any images from these events and I will publish them here.   
L-R Chris Wilson, Greg Collins, Bill Faulkner & Peter Shore L-R Bob Brown, John Garnett & Blondie Hudson Reunions